Monday, July 20, 2009

Sprint (CDMA) to Boost (iDEN) Now Possible!

There's been a lot of talk about the hassle that many customers have faced when attempting to swap from Sprint(CDMA) to Boost(iDEN), despite the fact that Boost is a wholy owned subsidary of Sprint. Sounds like a simple flip of a switch, right? That's what most people thought, until they tried it and found out the hoops they've have to jump through to accomplish it. That's no longer the case! As of this week, as a last resort save option, Sprint CDMA customers will be able to switch to Boost(iDEN) service.

As of 7/23/09 Account Services will support the CDMA post paid customers who want to move to iDEN Boost - Sprint‘s subsidiary that offers customers pre-paid service. Before 7/23/09, system limitations prevented CDMA post paid customers from migrating to Boost and Sprint risked losing them to competitors who offer pre-paid service.

  • In order to switch, you will have to meet the following conditions:

    • Sprint accont must be current. Not in a past due, hotlined, or suspended status.

    • Be aware that the standard ETF will still apply to the Sprint account, if there was one.

Sprint Specialists:

  • Verify the following information and before transferring the customer to Account Services.

    • Confirm the account is not in a past due, hotlined, or suspended status. Take a payment to bring the account current or tell the customer they cannot migrate their account to iDEN Boost until it is current.

    • After a payment has been made, remove the hotline or suspension status on the account. Payment must post and suspension or hotline be removed in order to migrate to Boost.

    • Check to see if the subscriber agreement is still in effect. It it is, tell the customer they will be charged an ETF which will appear on their next bill.

    • Transfer the customer to Account Services.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sprint Telesales offering Palm Pre (for real this time!)

It looks like Telesales now has the Palm Pre - for good this time.  As of today (07/20/09) you can now order a Palm Pre via Telesales. Telesales had the Pre as an offering for a short period earlier in the month, until it was pulled due to what was likely a rather large push to the in-store ReadyNow experience. Now that telesales can offer the Pre (again), does that influence your decision to purchase or not?

  • Palm Pre will be a permanent offer for Telesales now, with no more blackouts for consumer accounts.

  • Palm Pre can still not be activated on an employee plan, or purchased by an employee. 3rd Party employees have likely found this out the hard way when they bought their Pre and found out they are unable to activate it on the 3rd Pary plan at this time. - The only way to activate it would be on a standar consumer (IL) account.

Sunday, July 12, 2009 Self Service Maintenance Window

Some updates on the backend are being completed over the next few hours... from now until 6AM (Monday) actually. Affected areas are:

  • You won't be unable to purchase or manage their content.

  • Ability to login to account will be down.

  • Customer will be unable to check MOU in - they can still get MOU from the IVR (*4/*5)

  • Customers will be unable to purchase content from their computer or from their handset

Fully expect all to be up before the sun rises :).. so you probably never missed a thing!