Sunday, July 12, 2009 Self Service Maintenance Window

Some updates on the backend are being completed over the next few hours... from now until 6AM (Monday) actually. Affected areas are:

  • You won't be unable to purchase or manage their content.

  • Ability to login to account will be down.

  • Customer will be unable to check MOU in - they can still get MOU from the IVR (*4/*5)

  • Customers will be unable to purchase content from their computer or from their handset

Fully expect all to be up before the sun rises :).. so you probably never missed a thing!


  1. wow thanx for the heads up. almost no news on this website in a month and this is what we get. WOW. what about the touch pro2. we are going crazy here at the sprint users forums. we want it this july 20 or july 26. not fair t-mo gets it and canada's telus get it!. wtf

  2. CANADA! CANADA GETS IT. i still can't get over it. CANADA?! WE ARE THE UNITED STTATES HERE PEOPLE! y are we ALWAY(except for the pre...yuck) getting these phones last.
