Friday, June 1, 2012

Sprint 411 Issues

OK, so I seen this notice and didn't think much of it - but it got me thinking... why do people still use 411?

I'll admit that I have not dialed '411' on my phone - ever. But I have heard of Google's GOOG411, and  Microsoft's Bing411 - however in some quick research I just learned that GOOG's 411 service stopped last year - and Bing's 411 actually is being shut down as of today (6/1/12). Both are pushing their smart phone application instead.

So even more curious, I did some more quick research, and learned that Sprint customers still use our 411 more than 70K times per week! I have to ask WHY! maybe I'm spoiled and grew up in the smartphone world, but I just don't see the need for 411 in our world.. and another interesting fact - of those that use our 411, most use it multiple times per week. Maybe it's a segment of the market that #1 doesn't own a smartphone, or #2 doesn't know how to use their contact list to save numbers, or #3 has more money than they know what to do with. And one more interesting fact  - those on CL(corporate) accounts use it 10x more than IL accounts... so maybe it's cause the company pays the bill.

Am I the only one that has never used our 411 service?

And oh yea - here's the tech note that brought this conversation up today:

  • Effective 6/1/12 at 12:01 am EDT, 411 directory assistance calls which are routed through certain switches will no longer be able to receive call completion with their listing request.

  • For example, if a Customer calls 411 to receive the phone number to Southwest Airlines, the 411 operator will not be able to connect the Customer to Southwest Airlines directly.

  • Instead Customers will hear the phone number repeated twice by automation, then hear “a text message will be sent to you free of charge” and call will end.

  • An estimated 3,500 to 6,500 calls per day may be impacted.

  • A resolution date is not yet known; however, Sprint is working diligently to fix.

  • Apologize for the experience.  Suggested language “We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and can assure you this feature will be reinstated as soon as possible”

  • Issue credit(s) accordingly.

Forward the complaint to 411Listings email distribution so the 411 team can monitor impact.


  1. Corporate people use it more cause they are lazy. There... I said it.
    They are used to hitting a button to their secretary... "Please get me Southwest Airlines on the line"
    411 is their secretary.

  2. I myself never use 411.
    I look it up on the internet, tap the #, and it brings up the phone with the #.
    Oh wait... that's why I had to wait so dang long for my Evo4glte. Hahaha

  3. Last month my grandfather racked up about $80 in 411 calls. He is 90 and can hardly figure out how to use his basic flip phone. I assume he could not figure out how to use 411 either because a bunch of the calls were something like 5 calls in four minuets. Sprint was cool about it i guess they refunded like half the calls and gave me a form i could have his doctor fill out to get free 411 calls.
