- A recent segment on NBC’sThe Today Show featured strategies for consumers wanting to save money on their wireless bill.
- The segment may have falsely created the impression that Sprint customers can receive a $100 “loyalty bonus” upon request.
- Sprint will only adjust a customer’s bill when Sprint has made an error.
Why you need to know it:
- Specialists can best serve our customers by making sure they’re on the right plan that meets their needs and reviewing what is/not included in their plan.
- Sprint does not issue cash bonuses, or bill credits upon request.
- The only way to prevent future overages and casual data charges ensure the customer is on the right plan.
- Giving a credit is only a temporary solution and will not prevent future callbacks and credit requests for overages.
What you need to do.
- Ask questions and listen closely to determine your customer’s primary concern.
- Be sensitive to your customer’s request and thank them for their loyalty but firmly explain that Sprint does not offer loyalty credits. Remind customers about the tremendous value in our unlimited plans.
- If there are issues with their bill begin researching and explaining the charge prior to considering or offering a credit or adjustment. Use CST Billing Research Flow to access the Billing Adjustment or Discretionary Creditflows.
- Reference the CST document Credit and Adjustment Approval Limits Grid for more information on billing research and adjustments
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