Thursday, May 31, 2012

HTC EVO 4G LTE launches on 6/2

Looks like they beat me to the punch before I had a chance to post, but now we know :)

  • On 6/2/12 HTC EVO 4G LTE launches with Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) for $199.99.

  • It will be available in all retail channels including and 1-800-SPRINT1.

  • Sprint retail stores will operate on regular business hours.

  • Employee programs (EWD/SWAC) will not launch on 6/2

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weekly Playbook Topics - 6/1

Here's the hot topics from the upcoming 6/1 Playbook - since we are all still waiting on a launch date for the EVO LTE, which of these (if any) interests you guys, that you want more info on? Some of these I've covered before, some are still pretty new.

  • 6/1/12 - 6/11/12: iDEN Network Shutdown Notice

  • 7/1/12: Sprint will no longer add new iDEN accounts

  • 5/25/12 - 6/30/12: Reactive $0 Transition Offer for iDEN to CDMA Migrations

  • Sprint® Direct Connect®

  • KYOCERA DuraXT - launches 6/10/12

  • Lenovo Ideapad™ S205s - 6/10/12 in all channels

  • 6/10/12: New FleetSafer® Mobile for CL Customers

  • Sprint Zone 4.0 launches on HTC EVO 4G LTE

  • 6/17/12: TEP Tiered MRC and Deductibles

  • Sprint BIZ 360

  • 6/4/12: Welcome Calls reinstated

Sprint gives Boost Mobile an 'Update' on HTC EVO Design 4G Delay

While Sprint has so far been super quiet to it's own direct customers so far on the full launch day for the HTC EVO 4G LTE, this message just went out to the Boost Mobile care reps about the HTC EVO Design 4G:
Use the approved sound bite below to address any questions about the availability of this device:

“You may be aware that some shipments of HTC devices had been temporarily delayed due to U.S. Customs which may briefly delay the initial availability of the HTC EVO Design 4G™. These issues have now been resolved and we expect product will start flowing shortly. We expect to have devices in dealer doors as soon as next week. To access the latest news and device information, visit or Boost on Facebook where we’ll be providing updates. Thank you for your interest and continued patience.”

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

iDen/Nextel service to cease on 6/30/2013

iDen(Nextel) gets it's execution date. Today, Sprint announced plans to transition business and government customers from its iDEN (2G) Nextel National Network onto Sprint Direct Connect. Sprint also announced plans to cease service on the iDEN Nextel National Network as early as 6/30/13 as part of our Network Vision plan.

Beginning 6/1/12, Sprint will send written notices to business and government customers regarding the iDEN Nextel National Network shutdown.

Customer notification of the shut down along with migration offers will continue over the next year as the iDEN shutdown draws closer.

  • Sprint has already discontinued selling iDEN devices in certain channels.

  • It will discontinue selling iDEN devices in all channels and all brands carrying iDEN Nextel products over the next several months.

  • Sprint will continue to support customers with iDEN devices during the network transition and will work with those customers to ease their transition to Sprint’s CDMA service.

  • Tower retuning details available at

Friday, May 25, 2012

SVD - Simultaneous Voice & Data on LTE Phones

This is nothing new to most early-adopters of the HTC EVO 4G LTE, however there are some details released below that may be of interest - such as it's obviously not guaranteed, and it does require certain conditions to work properly.

  • Sprint 4G LTE phones can acheive Simultaneous Voice and Data (SVD) when connected to a WiFi router.

  • They may also achieve SVD when connected to Sprint’s LTE or CDMA networks.

  • Sprint 4G LTE phone customers may not see a consistent SVD experience on Sprint’s networks based on numerous conditions.

  • SVD should not be guaranteed to our external customers.

  • SVDO is possible on Sprint’s LTE phones/handsets, without assistance of LTE or WiFi, utilizing 1x and DO.

  • Works only in optimal network conditions.

  • Experience not consistent with SVDO; in weaker coverage, voice will take sole priority.

  • SVD can be achieved with either LTE or WiFi coverage.

  • CDMA + LTE, or CDMA + WiFi should be the primary combinations to achieve simultaneous voice and data, as with previous phones/handsets.

  • If utilizing SVDO, the experience will vary, however, if in optimal conditions data speed will be consistent with EvDO speeds.

Friday AM Update on the HTC EVO 4G LTE


MANY people are now playing with their new EVO LTE - but some are still waiting. Despite the lack of internal updates, here's what is known as far as delivery/pickup dates.

Also.. if you're wondering what that 2nd package is that you're receiving - it's a free Gel Case for your new HTC EVO 4G LTE! Sprint's way to say 'sorry for the delay'!

Online orders are mostly all delivered, and in-store pre-orders should be arriving at some point today. There has still been no word internally on why it's taken so long to get them to our own corp stores, but the wait should be over within 24 hours according to what I'm seeing.

Best Buy:
Online orders have shipped overnight, and in-store pre-orders were able to be picked up in more stores as of yesterday

Pre-Orders will be arriving at most locations this morning via FedEx, and will be immediately made available for pickup for pre-orders.

I still haven't heard a definitive answer on these two 3rd party resellers. For this one, you probably have better information that I do. However, no one has yet been able to say for sure where the delay is at.

Other notes...

Late last night it was discovered that a few shipments had mismatches between the ESN(serial number) on the outside of the box, and the device inside. This was not due to Customs, but rather a labeling error from HTC. It's not a large deal, and care or webchat can clear it up for you, it will only take a few extra minutes when activating.

There is an expedited process in place for lost/damaged/not received packages... so if you get the runaround if you are having this issue, keep escalating until someone offers it.

And we still have no official launch date. The delay of this has been for a couple of reasons, the primary one being the promise to make sure that all pre-orders are available before the launch date. And this has taken a day or two longer than expected. Will we hear word of an official launch today? I'm optimistic that we will.

Remember twitter (@InsideSprintNow) is where you'll get the news first, as it's easier for me to sneak a tweet sooner than a full post for breaking news, like a launch date, as soon as it happens :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

HTC EVO 4G LTE - 5/25 Official Launch

Just as tens of thousands of you are peeking out your windows watching for the UPS truck, as your phone is out for delivery today, we have received official confirmation:

Tomorrow, Friday 5/25/12 WILL be the official national launch day for the HTC EVO 4G LTE.


This has been assumed since yesterday, but could not confirm until just now.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wacky Wednesday Training Video

Ah, the joys of working at Sprint.. someone referred me to this horrible video that's used in finance care training - to call attention to the danger of leaving confidential info in account notes.

After the stress of the past few days, I figure we all needed a good laugh:

Reminder: New TEP Tiers & Deductibles in June

We posted about this before (TEP Changes in June) - but wanted to remind everyone, and add a couple of details, like the fact that even if the MSRP changes, the deductible will remain the same as the initial launch. Also, anyone that buys a Tier 3 or 4 device before 6/17 will  see a $3 credit in their monthly bill from July through September (to offset the legal notice that is required for changing the price). At the new prices, is TEP worth it? Let's hear your thoughts in the comments or via twitter #TEPsprint

  • Beginning 6/17/12, new Tiered TEP, ERP and Deductibles will be introduced based upon Device Standard Retail Price (SRP) at time of launch.

  • A new $11 TEP Tier will be introduced to support high-end device models and the $8 TEP Tier remains in place for existing device models.

  • A new $9 ERP Tier will be introduced to support high-end device models and the $5 ERP Tier remains in place for existing device models

  • ESRP Fees will remain the same

  • Apple iPhones are NOT eligible for TEP.

.ERP Deductible
Effective 6/17/12
Device SRP at Time of LaunchTEP Monthly Fee
Effective 6/17/12
ERP Monthly Fee Effective 6/17/12ESRP Monthly Fee Effective 6/17/12
Tier 1$50= $324.99$8$5$4
Tier 2$100$325 - $549.98$8$5$4
Tier 3$150$549.99 - $599.99$11$9$4
Tier 4$200= $600+$11$9$4
Whenever a device launches, it launches in a specific tier and remains in that tier, even if the SRP changes.

  • Customers purchasing a Tier 1 or Tier 2 device models with TEP remain at the $8 Tier and device models with ERP remain at the $5 Tier.

  • Customers purchasing a Tier 3 or Tier 4 new device model and add TEP or ERP before 6/17, will:

    • Be at the $8 Tier and then move to the $11 Tier for TEP

    • Be at the $5 Tier and then move to the $8 Tier for ERP

    • Receive multiple written notifications explaining the increase in their monthly TEP charges, ERP charges and deductibles

    • Including a postcard for TEP and ERP customers

    • Be sent a legal notification in the form of a letter by mail after 6/17 notifying them that their TEP monthly charge will be increased from $8 to $11 and ERP monthly charge will be increased from $5 to $9

    • TEP customers will see a $3 credit in their monthly bill from July through September, which will meet Sprint’s legal requirement to notify customers 90 days in advance of a price increase.

    • ERP customers will see a $4 credit in their monthly bill from July through September, which will meet Sprint’s legal requirement to notify customers 90 days in advance of a price increase.

So, you wanna buy ISN a beer?

I've always turned down donations, despite multiple requests, and the legal issues if I were to make any sort of profit. So, with that being said, I've come up with a solution! Instead of buying a beer for me, if you really want to donate something, then let's make it something that can make the ISN blog better for everyone!

If you'd like to make a donation - it will be to added together to pay for the yearly upgrade fee so I can get a premium wordpress account ($99/yr) that way I can actually customize the theme into something that is a little more friendly,and gives me extra storage space for all these cool docs! Anything that's donated that goes over the amount of 1yr of hosting, will be used to add extra space, or to pay for an additional year.

As I've said 1,000 times - I don't do this for the money, obviously. I do this because I, too, am a Sprint customer - and I enjoy it, and I feel it's needed. So PLEASE don't feel like I'm asking for a donation, because I'm not. But for those that would like to 'buy a beer' for me - you can help me get a wordpress upgrade instead :)

This is probably the one and only time I'll ever post about this, I may add a link to the sidebar for when this scrolls off the screen, but I've literally had so many requests of ways to donate, that this is the only solution that I can come up with, and one that will be beneficial to everyone!

So, if you want to 'buy ISN a beer' (aka donate to the WP Upgrade fund), you can do so here:

Donate with WePay

Also - I chose WePay, because after talking with them about remaining anonymous, they would be willing to fight a subpeona, and I've used them for another project before, so that helps to protect my identity :)

4:30PM #EVOGATE Update

8:30 PM Update: Android Central has a screenshot of a BestBuy internal memo, showing that they will be releasing the pre-orders as soon as they're in stock.:


While nothing has been announced *yet* today officially... here's a recap of what we know for sure:

  • Consumer direct pre-orders are being shipped for delivery tomorrow as we already knew (your phone is likely a few thousand feet in the air at this moment, or on the ground, depending on your location)

  • began charging cards and shipping around noon today for online orders

  • We have multiple verifiable reports of 3rd parties that will be receiving stock tonight as well, but there are a couple that won't receive it until tomorrow.

  • Sprint Store pre-orders have already shipped and should have arrived today or in the AM.

With ALL of that in mind - there has still been *NOTHING* published internally as far as an official launch date. However, If I had to stake a wager - it would be that pre-orders/reservations would be able to be picked up tomorrow (Friday at the absolute latest).. but with that also being said, it's pure speculation until I hear something definitive. With the way the DWL (Device wait list) works, it's to everyone's advantage of giving a good notice of when they will be able to pick up their device - especially given there is an upcoming holiday weekend, and a ton of people have travel plans. So with all that in mind - I think the 'official' launch day will be Friday 5/25.... simply because tomorrow is super short notice.. especially given the fact that nothing has come out with anything new so far today, and it's almost time to close up shop here on campus.

So that's my prediction - 5/25 as an official launch date - but it's just that, a prediction, until I hear otherwise... and of course, as soon as I hear otherwise, you'll be the first to know!

And - my favorite tweet of the day - UPS has a GREAT attitude about all this.. think they're waiting on an EVO too?

NEW: Change Your Phone Number on for FREE; $15 for care/store to do it for you

Starting on 6/10, Sprint is adding a new self-service option to allowing customers to change their mobile phone number online for free. Of course, while this is a plus for customers - and sold as a 'benefit' - the truth is it's a cost-cutting measure to reduce the number of calls into customer care. Calling into care for a number change after 6/10 will be a $15 charge on your bill(with some exceptions). Either way, it's a great new added option to the online tools in my opinion. Personally, I think we should all have advanced account changing options such as this in our consumer portal - and who knows, as we continue to cut costs that might just be a reality.

  • Customers choosing to change their phone number through a live specialist or retail store on or after 6/10/12 will be charged a $15 Phone Number Change fee. Note: Some exceptions apply (emergency harrassment, accessibility, etc...)

  • The Change Phone Number functionality will become visible and available to customers on 5/24 when it goes live for production testing; however, official launch is 06/10/12.

  • Customers can change their phone number at and My Sprint at no charge or through a live specialist or retail store for $15.

  • When a customer expresses concern or frustration with the new fee; tell them based on recent competitive research, we believe the top 3 major competitors all charge a Phone Number Change fee.

    • AT&T - Retail, Web and Care: $36

    • Verizon -Retail and Care: $15; Web: $0

    • T-Mobile - Retail and Care: $15

HTC EVO 4G LTE Overview/Advocate Deck

By request - here's the HTC EVO 4G LTE Overview/Advocate Deck - which is basically just an information PDF with recommendations on use / selling / accessories / etc... which was sent to the device advocates, and possibly some retail folks as well.

Download: EVO 4G LTE Overview & Advocate Deck - ISN

or view below:

[scribd id=94583457 key=key-20poq3wyvvl4pm41qy1i mode=list]

HTC EVO 4G LTE: 5/ Launch Date!

As we all know the pre-orders have already started shipping (some last night, some more tonight), and now we have the full launch schedule for an official launch day of

@CustomsBorder Twitter blows up 9,900% - Makes News!

Apparently some government worker was overheard saying "OMG they're talking to us on twitter - what do we do!"

Thanks to a tip from a fan, OhMyGov is reporting...
Last week the US Customs and Border Protection, a branch of theDepartment of Homeland Security, created some online controversy by locking down all HTC EVO 4G LTE and HTC One X mobile devices as the agency investigates if the devices are still breaking Apple patents.

The US Customs investigation dates back to an order by the US International Trade Commission (ITC) last December that found HTC guilty of violatingApple patent 5946647 - a patent related to detecting data items within otherwise unformatted content. However, it appears that the patent wars have just started.

In the past few days tech savvy Twitter users have been airing out their frustration with Customs and Border Protection, creating much buzz around the otherwise unnoticed agency. Campaigns were started on Twitter using the hashtags #FreemyEVO and #CBPevo, encouraging agency to release the phones.

Mentions to the US Customs Twitter handle, @CustomsBorder, were up 9,900% yesterday over Thursday because of the lock down, skyrocketing from 26 mentions to 2,600. Unfortunately for @CustomsBorder, most of the mentions express frustration with the agency versus praise.

So, YES, we were noticed.. just in case you wondered :)


EVO 4G LTE - ReadyNOW Setup Guide

While we're waiting for the official launch date to be released hopefully later today, here's something that you might find useful. Ever wonder what guides are used for the retail store folks during the 'ReadyNOW' setup process? It's an intriguing look at what settings are recommended.. as well as what will happen the moment your phone is turned on for the first time.

Download here: HTC EVO 4G LTE ReadyNOW Guide - ISN

or view below:

[scribd id=94548043 key=key-1d5r2v6gex6kecmuwirh mode=list]

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

iDEN/Nextel Coverage Changes: Albuquerque, Phoenix, Tucson/Yuma, Oregon, Washington

Our normal Monday/Wednesday Update for iden tower decommissionings:

  • In preparation for Network Vision, Network Ops will continue decommissioning a number of existing iDEN towers throughout the country..

    • On the evening of 5/21/12, in the following markets: Albuquerque, Phoenix, Tucson/Yuma.

    • On the evening  of 5/23/2012, the following markets will experience coverage change: Inland Northwest, Oregon/ SW Washington, West Washington.

  • Tower decommission continues every Monday and Wednesday evening through June.

Network Vision:

  • Decommissioning eliminates excess capacity and has minimal customer impact.

  • Retuning/decommissioning towers WILL NOT shutdown the iDEN market service in 2012.

  • Customers who rely on in-building coverage near a decommissioned tower may experience in-building signal strength changes but street/in-car coverage should remain the same.

Select Samsung Seek and Intercept Customers will get an extra $50 off new device

Starting 5/23,


  • Sprint is offering an additional $50 off of a new device to select Samsung Seek and Intercept customers nearing their service agreement end date.

  • Eligible customers will get a direct mail or email about the offer or see it on Sprint Zone.

  • Customers are required to enter a promo code to get the discount on the Web.

  • Refer customers asking about the offer to a Sprint retail store or to

Monday, May 21, 2012


While I was typing the previous post about the update call earlier, I got the notice that customs finished the other half, and this notice will hit customer care at 5PM CST Today (35 min from now):

  • We are pleased to announce that our warehouse has HTC EVO 4G LTE devices to fill pre-orders.

  • We are no longer accepting pre-order cancellations.

What you need to do:

  • Beginning 5/21/12 at 5:00 p.m. Central, tell customers we cannot accept pre-order cancellations.

  • Our warehouse is processing pre-orders and delivery is expected by 5/24.

  • If a customer wants to cancel their order:

    • Advise them to wait for delivery of their device.

    • Once received, they can either refuse shipment or call Order Support to process an RMA

and for those that wanted a screenshot for confirmation:


HTC EVO 4G LTE: Some have cleared, awaiting launch date.



As of this afternoon's launch update call, I have learned that only some shipments have cleared customs at the Louisville warehouse. It turns out that they are not being cleared per model, as we thought, but rather per shipment. Which, in hindsight makes sense, but had not crossed my mind before. I do not know how many 'shipments' were received, but as of 3PM today, it was reported that about half had cleared. I also learned that the update came so late in the day, because they were awaiting to see if they would complete today or not. It is anticipated that they would finish this afternoon, or tomorrow at the latest.

NOTE: this does NOT mean they are checking every phone, as some have asked - it simply means they are testing a sample from each shipment (each shipment contains 1,000's of devices, and they only sample 1), and that sample does not get shipped out, so no worries about getting a 'used' device. There was also some mention of some additional reasons why they were checking actual samples, instead of just going by the paperwork, but no real details were given on the call.

OK. So the big question is when will they ship. If they finish late tonight or tomorrow, they would ship as soon as tomorrow night. At any point after that, they will ship on the night they are completed. You won't hear this from care or stores if you ask, because they are being told to give the customary 'unsure/out of our hands' responses you've already heard already, because we can't be 100% sure of when they will finish. And since they delay is expected to be short, they will launch all at once (not ship out half now, the rest in a day or two)... and all pre-orders WILL get their devices first. It's still planned that the launch date will be this week, as they could be finished as soon as tomorrow.

I know there's probably more, as it was a crazy long call, but I wanted to get as much too you guys as quickly as I could. I'll reread this after I post it, and post any updates as needed. The next launch update call is tomorrow afternoon.

... and here's the updated/same answer that has been re-provided to care:

Q: What is the status of pre-order and when will pre-order devices be delivered?

  • HTC is working with U.S. Customs for a speedy resolution and your pre-order fee still holds the device.

  • We will provide a ship date as soon as possible.

  • We maintain the promise for the preorder customers that they will be among the first to receive their HTC EVO 4G LTE units.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


had no idea you guys like videos so much. Someone asked if I had any HTC EVO 4G LTE videos? of COURSE! lol... here's the ones I was able to round up internally. Not sure if they are just for internal, or for use on the site - but either way, here they are!

HTC EVO 4G LTE Camera Overview:


HTC EVO 4G LTE General Overview:


HTC EVO 4G LTE Audio Features:


HTC EVO 4G LTE Android & HTC Sense:


Sprint's Network Vision 2012

Came across this video a few days ago.. it's an internal explination of the 2012 Network Vision. I know it's nothing earth shattering, or really all that interesting to most (or maybe it is!), but until we get some new EVO news, I figured I'd give you all a break from hitting the refresh key on all the sites, and give you a video to watch instead, lol.

HTC EVO 4G LTE: Cleared by Customs

It would appear that customs has cleared the HTC EVO 4G LTE. According to the TaiPei Times:
"In a twist to the US’ import ban on various HTC Corp (宏達電) smartphones, the company yesterday said some of its products blocked by US customs because of patent-infringement concerns had been allowed to enter the US market after passing the customs’ review."

I have not seen anything internally yet as far as shipping dates, but I would expect to have that info either later tonight or super early in the morning. I do know there were several plans drafted based on when they would be cleared, so I'll get that info and match it up and see where we're at. Hang tight, it's going to be a fast paced next 24 hours! :) And who knew customs worked on the weekend for commercial stuff!

Thanks to about 200 people that sent me this article! I was out at brunch and having drinks with some friends on a lazy day, and had no expectations of anything breaking today :) At least now I've got some snooping to do.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday Funday: Actual Sprint Training Video for DNC (Do Not Call) List

I'm sure we could all use a little humor today, and thanks to another alert employee who pointed me to this internally, I'm going to share with you a video that made me laugh this morning. If you're a Sprint employee you'll probably find it even funnier, but apparently this went out to all our Care folks during annual training.

If you listen carefully there are some very hilarious moments throughout the vid...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekend Maintenance Report - 5/18

For those of you that are new, the maintenance windows are posted on Friday nights for the entire weekend, and on weekdays when it's anything that's customer impacting. Here's this weekend's update:

Maintenance Details


CST/SP2 Maintenance

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2011 12:30 AM CT to 1:00 AM CT


  • The CST/SP2 tools will be unavailable due to maintenance for 30 minutes starting from 12:30 AM - 1:00 AM CT


  • Maintenance will end at 1:00 am CT

ID: 8575


SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • My will be unavailable for 1 hr and 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/20/2012


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 32300

Wireless Manager

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Wireless Manager will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance for 1 hr and 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/20/2012


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 32299

Boost Mobile Activations

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Boost Mobile Activations will be unavailable for 1 hr and 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/20/2012


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 31461

NOS Number Porting System

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 2:00 AM CT - 6:00 AM CT


  • Number Porting System will be unavailable for 4 hrs starting at 2:00 AM CT - 6:00 AM CT on 05/20/2012

  • Customer port requests will not process from 2-6am CT.


  • Maintenance will end at 6:00 AM CT

ID: 30492

NMS/CDMA Activations & Changes

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 2:00 AM CT - 6:00 AM CT


  • You will be unable to complete changes or new activations for CDMA accounts during this maintenance.

  • NMS will be unavailable for4 hrs starting at 2:00 AM CT - 6:00 AM CT on 05/20/2012


  • Maintenance will end at 6:00 AM CT

ID: 30299

Online Store (

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Customer‘s will be unable to access the Online Store ( for 1 hr 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/20/2012


  • Customer‘s will have access when maintenance is complete at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 29076

Subscriber Migration Tool

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 - 2:00 AM CT - 4:00 AM CT


  • You will be unable to access the SMT tool to migrate customers for 2 hrs starting at 2:00 AM CT - 4:00 AM CT


  • Maintenance will end at 4:00 AM CT

ID: 25473


SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Ensemble Applications CSM, sView will be down for 1 hr 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/20/2012


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT on 05/20/2012

ID: 25193 Community

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 - 2:00 AM - 3:30 AM CT


  • Community will be unavailable for 1 hr 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/20/2012

  • Community will be splashed during this maintenance


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 1203

OMIM/Warehouse Orders

SUMMARY: Sunday 05/20/2012 12:00 AM CT - 7:00 AM CT


  • OMIM/Warehouse orders - return kits will be delayed for 7 hrs until maintenance is complete. Orders submitted during this time will not ship until after the maintenance is complete.


  • Maintenance is scheduled to be completed by 7:00 AM CT

ID: 25763


SUMMARY: Saturday 05/19/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Ensemble Applications CSM, sView will be down for 1 hr and 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/19/2012


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT on 05/19/2012

ID: 31463 Community

SUMMARY: Saturday 05/19/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Community will be unavailable for 1 hr and 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/19/2012

  • Community will be splashed during this maintenance


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 31462

Online Store (

SUMMARY: Saturday 05/19/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Customers will be unable to access the Online Store ( for1 hr and 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/19/2012


  • Customers will have access when maintenance is complete at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 31460

Boost Mobile Activations

SUMMARY: Saturday 05/19/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Boost Mobile Activations will be unavailable for 1 hr 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/19/2012


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 30493

Wireless Manager

SUMMARY: Saturday 05/19/2012 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT


  • Wireless Manager will be unavailable due to Scheduled maintenance for 1 hr and 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM CT - 3:30 AM CT on 05/19/2012


  • Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 28242


SUMMARY: Saturday 05/19/2012 2:00 AM - 3:30 AM CT


  • My will be unavailable for 1 hr and 30 minutes starting at 2:00 AM -3:30 AM CT on 05/19/2012


  •  Maintenance will end at 3:30 AM CT

ID: 5543

So, you want to cancel your pre-order of the HTC EVO 4G LTE?

This is a question that I've gotten a lot in the past couple of days - How can I cancel my pre-order? Normally, that would be a very easy answer, because in any other normal situation, you really couldn't 'cancel' a pre-order other than refusing shipment once it's arrived. But these are certainly not 'normal' times, are they? Never before in the many years that I've been here have we ever found ourselves in this situation. So for that reason, things have changed multiple times over the past few days regarding how cancellations are handled for this particular situation. And they could change again, but for the time being, you're witnessing a huge corporation do something that it rarely does - make changes based on customer need/response in near real-time (trust me when i say these changes would normally takes weeks or months to roll out). For you that's probably boring and not the point, but for some of us, it's history in the making. If nothing else, I hope we will have learned a few things from this ordeal as a company, and make some changes to both policies and communications. Maybe I'm dreaming. But anyways.. onto why you're here.

So... if you realllllly need to cancel your pre-order, you can now do so. But before you decide to do that, let me say that I fully expect this phone to be in our hands by next week. And I'm also waiting for my HTC EVO 4G LTE! So while I can make no promises, or give you any new info yet... If my mom asked me when she'd have her new EVO, I'd say next week.

But, if you can't wait, or have special circumstance, or are just really mad at the customs folks, there are ways to cancel your order. Here we go:

If you signed up for the DWL (Device Waiting List) at a Corporate Sprint Store:

  • Customers who pre-ordered the device at a company-owned Sprint Retail Store purchased one $50 Sprint gift card to add their name to DWL for each device they wished to purchase.

  • Customers can contact the store and request removal from the store’s DWL.

  • Remind customers the Sprint gift card was a required purchase to be on the DWL. They are non-refundable, can be used to buy any device or accessory, and can be used to credit their Sprint bill.

  • To recap, contact the store, they'll remove your name, and put the $50 towards your Sprint bill. 

If you pre-ordered for Direct Ship (

  • Contact Order Support @ 866-789-8292 during the following business hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am EST to 11:00 pm EST, and Saturday & Sunday 9:00 am EST to 9:00 pm EST.

  • Explain you wish to cancel your pre-order, and you'll be warm-transferred to the escalations/helpdesk to process the request.

    • Should there be more than a 4 minute hold time for the esc desk, the agent should get their supervisor to email the request to a back office team that will handle the request.

    • Advise customer the credit card refund request has been submitted to the Refunds Department.

    • Once approved, the customer receives either an email or voice mail alerting them of the refund and the expected timeline. If not approved, the customer receives a phone call from Sprint

There you have it. I'm hoping that Monday we get some good news and I get to tell you good things, but I don't have a magic 8-ball into customs. I can tell you that I'll likely have knowledge of it as SOON as it happens, so you will be among the first to know :)

HTC EVO 4G LTE Update - 6PM

I know you all want to hear better news - but I don't have it. Word is that there was supposed to be a promised/scheduled inspection by those wonderful customs folks today (after 3+ weeks of them dragging their heels).. but it never happened. Why not? That I have no info on. It is the government we're dealing with here.

What I can tell you is that the mere fact that they promised/scheduled an inspection for today is better news than we've had for the previous 3+ weeks the phones have been in the FTZ (Foreign Trade Zone). Progress? Yes. Perfection? No. So let's hope we get one on Monday, and still make the new launch date that was mentioned before.... I wish I could tell you more, but I simply don't have any more info to give. Should something crazy come up tonight or over the weekend (or some should CBP worker decide to claim some overtime), I'll post it asap... but our weekend 'pipeline' is composed on Fridays (basically all the info that will be distributed over the weekend) and there's nothing in there yet.... so I'll keep checking, and you'll be the first to know as soon as I hear anything - good or bad :)



Tablets without Data Plans - New PROMO & Usage Options

If you've bought a tablet without a plan (aka paid full MSRP), starting today there are new options to purchase data on a month-by-month basis, and a free-day promo. Details below:

  • Customers who have bought select tablets with no price plan, now have the option to purchases and use Sprint data on a per month basis.

  • Session capable tablets currently include the HTC EVO View and ZTE Optik (more devices coming soon).

  • Interested customers can try it for free using the promo code Free Day (150 MB on network, 50 MB off network).

  • After the Free Day promo ends, sessions are $19.99 per month (1GB 3G or 3G/4G on network, 100MB offnetwork).

  • Service automatically ends when the data limit is reached or the time limit expires; customers won‘t have to worry about any suprising overage charges. 

  • This is a self-service offer and is only available through their tablet.

  • For steps to activate a data session, go to

New HotSpot & Tablet Data Packages - 5/18

The following data offer changes are occurring starting today (5/18).

Hotspot and PAM offer changes:

  • New Mobile Hotspot options available with systematically enforced data limits. $.05/MB on-network overage rate applies.

  • $19.99 2GB

  • $49.99 6GB

  • Existing Hotspot/PAM add-ons expire and can no longer be added.

  • Customers can choose from new Hotspot options.

  • Existing Hotspot/PAM add-on subscribers will be notified of new data usage tracking functionality and applicable overage rates.

New functionality for Hotspot and PAM and International Data Packs include:

  • Data usage tracking.

  • Email and text notifications to alert customers of approaching data limits.

  • Suspension when data limits are reached.

New International Roaming Data Pack Add-on options:

PackBest FitMonthly Data Roaming AllowancePrice Per MonthUsage Overage Rate
Canada and Mexico Data Roaming
Canada-Mexico PackCustomers whose primary international travel areas are Canada and Mexico55 MB$30$4/MB
175 MB$75
325 MB$125
Multiple Country Data Roaming
Multi-Country PackCustomers who travel worldwide and need to use data in more countries40 MB$40$10/MB
85 MB$80

  • Minimum one month (full MRC) required.

  • Includes both CDMA and GSM data allowance for defined select countries.

  • Standard casual data roaming rates apply for countries not included in Packs.

  • Offers can only be added by Sprint Worldwide or CL Dedicated Care groups.

  • Existing CL-only Sprint Worldwide Data offers expire and can no longer be added unless written into contract.

  • Customers can choose from new Data Pack options.

Other data offers expiring:

  • For all account types:

    • $19.99 1GB Tablet Plan

    • $10 iDEN Sprint Business Application Add-on

  • For Consumer and IL account types (still available for CL):

    • $30 Pro Pack Add-on

    • $49.99 Primary Data Plan

    • $10 CDMA Sprint Business Application Add-on

Price increase for iDEN Unlimited Direct Connect with Group Connect add-on

Yes.. there really are other things happening besides 'EVOGATE' (someone coined that phrase in a comment, and I love it). Though, I have no idea why we're charging more for iDEN features in the last 12 months of it's existence, a reminder that as of today we're increasing the price of the add-on for iDEN Unlimited Direct Connect with Group Connect to $10.00. Possibly it's to drive them to the newly launching Direct Connect on CDMA features/app that's launching? If i know anything about iDEN users, it's that their device will be pried from their hands on the last day the towers are turned off. Then, and only then, will they switch. At any rate, this reminder:

  • On 5/18/12 Sprint is increasing the price of the add-on for iDEN Unlimited Direct Connect with Group Connect to $10.00.

  • The soft launch $10 SOC (DCNUNLTD) begins on 5/15 and the $5 SOC (DCNUNLTD5) expires on 5/18.

  • The price increase impacts customers with Nextel and PowerSource devices who choose plans that don‘t include Direct Connect.

  • Existing Nextel and PowerSource subs with a $5 add-on SOC will not be impacted.

  • The price for Sprint Direct Connect (CDMA) Unlimited Direct Connect with Group Connect remains the same, $5.00.

  • There are no pricing changes for plans that bundle Direct Connect services, including Business Advantage and Business Essentials plans.

  • Make sure customers choosing a plan without Direct Connect understand the add-on cost.

  • Tell customers using iDEN or PowerSource devices about the benefits of Sprint Direct Connect (CDMA) devices and services.

Process Update: Cancelling a submitted order - Escalation

Also, this just went out to the front lines. Nothing really new, other than the fact that it's a small modification to the long standing 'refuse shipment' process for cancelling an order once it's been submitted. Unsure what prompted it.. could it be because we made public the 'Why you can't cancel your Sprint order' post? We'll never know for sure, but it serves the same purpose, without the extra work on the customer's part. Maybe if nothing else, we've prompted a change in process that benefits the customer. Maybe that's wishful thinking.. maybe not. It is unclear whether the process will be carried over to other orders, or reserved solely for this situation.
Remember: Requests to Cancel Pre-Orders in Fulfillment Hold for the HTC EVO 4G LTE can no longer be accepted. Instruct customers on refusing shipment (no accessories included) or follow return processes.

For ESCALATED scenarios ONLY, where customers threaten legal action or continued escalation through the corporate chain, engage Supervisor. Tell customers that we will attempt to work with the warehouse and carrier to request a package intercept at Sprint’s cost.

Supervisors will send the following detail to Escalations as follows: (address removed, as the point was the change in process, not the email contact info)

  • Subject Line:  Escalated HTC EVO 4G LTE Cancellation Request for

  • Detail Required within e-mail body:

  • Customer Name

  • BAN

  • Order Number

  • Date/Time Request to Cancel Received

7AM Update - HTC EVO 4G LTE Launch Delay

Morning, all! After some MUCH needed sleep, and catching up on some emails, I just wanted to give a quick update before I head into the office to see what the day will bring.

  • I CAN confirm that an email with out to the 3rd Party distro with the 5/23 date.

  • Since Best-Buy is saying 'whoops' for sending the email, I'm not sure if they got smacked for releasing the date first, or if someone just messed up.

  • I do believe I'll be able to get a copy of the actual email today to post.

  • There is a 2PM Conference bridge today about the launch.. but we've had these daily at some point each day, so don't get too excited. Yesterday's was simply boring stuff we all already knew. Generally these are not the venue for breaking news.

Also, thanks to everyone that's been reading the blog over the past couple of days, I've been able to get in touch with someone who actually works for the warehouse in Louisville yesterday! It took me a while to figure out how to verify who they were, but finally I was able to do so. According to them, we have some stock there that is in the foreign trade zone (aka customs) and some that is not. Apparently some of the earlier shipments have been in the racks for a while(some are always held back for replacements, demos, store models, training phones,etc...). They have indeed picked and packed both sections for the ones that are being shipped out, and last night they were prepping for 'rollout'. I don't have any more information than that... but I'm determined to find some out today :)

Time for the morning commute. Hopefully I'll be able to confirm something more soon. In the meantime, if you're new to ISN, I've posted a TON of stuff over the past few years you might find interesting, so check it out - and let me know what else you'd like to see. From training docs, to processes, to launch decks.... I am generally so accustomed to seeing it all so much that I only post stuff that I think would be REALLY interesting to others.. but if there's other stuff you're curious about, please speak up!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Federal Court orders Apple & HTC to Settlement Talks on 8/28/12

Thanks to Joey for the heads-up...  this morning, a Delaware based Federal Court has ordered Apple & HTC to settlement talks on August 28, 2012. Hang tight everyone, this could be a bumpy news day.

From Foss Patents Blog:
Today the United States District for the District of Delaware ordered the lawyers as well unspecified decision makers of Apple and HTC to meet in Delaware on August 28, 2012, to discuss a possible settlement. The talks will be moderated by Magistrate Judge Sherry R. Fallon.

I don't expect any major developments between now and the date set for this mediation effort that will put the necessary pressure on HTC to settle. HTC doesn't have to fear any major legal breakthrough for Apple (not counting preliminary rulings) for at least the remainder of this year, and it now has bigger problems than this litigation.

If the Delaware court really wanted to make a contribution to a near-term settlement, it should un-stay all those lawsuits except for those claims that are still pending at the ITC. Even if the court did that, the matter wouldn't be ripe for settlement by the summer, but then a mediation effort might succeed in early 2013.

Read the full post @ Foss Patents.

What's this mean for the near-term? Well none of us know what exactly went on in court this morning, and no one is reporting on the elephant in the room - but I do know that we have some sort of movement on the devices sitting in the warehouse - so as soon as I can confirm something in stone, it'll be here.

14 Day Early Upgrade Option Discontinued

Sorry for the non-EVO post during this time of mass refresh, and i know that a few other sites reported this yesterday, but here's what they left out:  today is the last day to get your account noted for any upcoming need for a 14-day early upgrade. I realize this will only be useful to a handful of folks, but for those folks, here you go!

  • Beginning 6/1/12, Sprint is no longer giving customers the option to upgrade early and is removing the early upgrade 14-day (14D) code for lost, stolen or damaged devices from all systems.

  • From 5/18/12 - 5/31/12, Sprint will honor any early upgrade commitments made before 5/18/12.

  • Sprint previously allowed customers with lost, stolen or damaged devices to upgrade their handsets if they were within 14 days of their upgrade date, customers no longer have this option.

  • For the remainder month of May, do not offer customers the option to ask for an early upgrade in the month of June.

  • In June, if a customer calls asking about the Early Upgrade option, tell them Sprint no longer offers this option.

PRELIMINARY new launch date - 5/23 for HTC EVO 4G LTE

There is a PRELIMINARY new launch date for the HTC EVO 4G LTE of 5/23 - more details to come soon as it's safe to post. 

**UPDATE 1:18 PM** - Still unofficial, but the plan is that items will be shipped out to pre-orders first, in time for them to get them before the new launch date of 5/23. Trying to get a lock down on when first shipments will go out.

NOTE - this is VERY preliminary, and happened within the last hour. There are more details, and a couple of things that could change it.. I'll be able to post a more definitive post by late afternoon with details. hang tight as I'm having to post this from my phone.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

6AM Update: HTC Gets help from Economics Minister - & Warehouse Info

The sun isn't even up yet, so there's not any new information this early on the status, but there is one HTC update from overnight:

Taiwan Economics Minister offers assistance, if needed, to resolve current customs issues dealing with the Apple patent.

Taipei, May 17 (CNA) Minister of Economic Affairs Shih Yen-shiang said Thursday his ministry will provide smartphone vendor HTC Corp. with assistance, if necessary, to deal with the ongoing litigation on patent infringement brought against the Taiwanese firm by rival Apple Inc.

Shih told lawmakers at a legislative session that the ministry has kept in close touch with HTC to keep informed of the progress of the particular litigation.

Also, a question from the inbox overnight, asked by about 100 people...

Where is the sprint warehouse?/Do you have any info on the Sprint warehouse?

Those not in the industry may find this odd - but Sprint actually doesn't have a warehouse. At least not in the traditional sense. Our primary 'warehouse' is actually outsourced (as with almost everything in the enterprise) to UPS. It's UPS employees that run the operation, answer the phones, process the return kits, ship out your new phones, and yes they even do the basic phone repairs(Level 1-3). And it's almost entirely automated, in a 500,000 sq/ft space in Louisville, KY. And yes, there is a bonded customs area (foreign trade zone) within the complex as well, for international shipments(hint: think HTC). While I've never been there in person, I was able to find a couple of older articles about it, one of them cited "a highly automated UPS fulfillment system utilizing four pick modules which are three layers high and over 200 feet long.  Capacity is available to handle 65,000 orders a day". I'll try to dig around internally today and see what other info I can find on it, but as it's outsourced, I'm not sure just how munch info we have on the actual day to day operations, other than processes.

*UPDATE* Thanks to a tip from reader Dan - here's a video that gives a rare glimpse into the Sprint warehouse:

Got a question you want answered? email it to me:

UPDATE: HTC EVO 4G LTE - Delayed Launch Status

As you know, over the past 24 hours we've been posting on the delayed launch of the HTC EVO 4G LTE.

as of 4:45PM, we are able to report:

  • 'Pick and Pack' has now been completed on ALL pre-orders, therefore cancellation of orders is no longer possible.

  • HTC has a judicial hearing scheduled this week, and we should have clearance to ship shortly thereafter.

  • Unofficially, we should be shipping no later than the first of next week, likely sooner.

This is a very fluid situation, and we'll be updating throughout the evening as more is learned. Obviously a date can't be confirmed until the judicial review, however, internally the anticipation is a very quick resolution.


Why you can't cancel your order / Full Launch Delay HTC EVO 4G LTE

Here's the official responses you'll get from care:

  • Q: Can I cancel my pre-order?

  • A: We can‘t cancel the pre-order at this time. Please wait for your shipment to be delivered. At that time you can either refuse deliver or call us for a return kit.

  • Q: What do I do if the customer still insists on canceling their pre-order?

  • A: Tell the customer we will try to have the shipment returned at the warehouse when shipping starts.

    • We are asking our Back-Office Escalations team to keep a track cancelation requests so that Return-to-Sender requests can be processed when ASNs begin processing.

    • If the RTS is unsuccessful we will have to arrange a call back to revert to an RMA with the customer.

  • QWhen will HTC EVO 4G LTE be available to consumers?

  • A:  We can’t provide specific timing for product availability at this time and we appreciate your patience as HTC works to get products on store shelves as soon as possible. Educate the customer to chek the HTC EVO LTE microsite ( for the availability date.

Device Capabilities - All Sprint Devices

Have you ever wanted a handy reference, of all the capabilities of all the devices in the Sprint repository? Maybe to compare features, or to see exactly how your device stacks up? We've got exactly what you need.

Here's a preview below, but it's easier viewing as the Google Doc above, or download to have sort/filter ability.

[googleapps domain="docs" dir="spreadsheet/pub" query="key=0AhEF0Bge4z5gdHZJYTdxb0ZhencxNTZ6TndnTjQzZmc&single=true&gid=0&output=html&widget=true" width="500" height="300" /]

Google Play(Android Market) - Now bill it all to your account - ASL Limits Increased

You can now bill all purchases from Google Play/Android Market to your Sprint Account. This actually started yesterday (5/15), but we were busy tracking the other breaking news of the day.

New media types were added to billable options - music, movie rentals, & e-books. 

Invoices will read as: "Android Market - Media" for the purchases made. Your account must be 90 days old for the option to be available.

In tandem with the new option to bill to account, ASL (Spending Limit Customers) now have new limits on purchases made at Google Play.

  • ASL subscribers with 0-3 months of Sprint service no longer have the option to bill to their account for Google Play purchases.

  • ASL subscribers with more than 3 months of Sprint service have a monthly spending cap of $25, and the new media types are now available for billing.

  • Non-ASL subscribers with more than 3 months of Sprint service now also have the ability to purchase new content types, including music, books and movies.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why you can't cancel your Sprint Order

So the second most popular question of the day seems to be "can i cancel my order/pre-order?" (The #1 most popular question is of course related, and answered with what is known, here)

In short, the answer is 'No'. But it's likely NOT for the reasons you may think. There are several different linked systems that handle your order behind the scenes, automating everything about it - placement, billing, fulfillment, tracking, etc... and despite years and years of minor modifications, they're basically all held together with duct tape when it comes to integration and one system knowing what the other is doing. I don't say this to make it sound bad - it does work. If you've ever worked in a corporation this large, or a similar industry, you'll understand exactly what I mean. But there are limitations. Over the years policies have been created to work around these short-comings, and brings us to the #2 topic of the day.

The primary limitation is that once an order status changes from 'Not Submitted' to any other status, from that point forward if the order is cancelled in FDT(Our Fulfillment Desktop), the order is removed from the billing system, however it would still ship out in about 90% of cases. For that reason, a policy has been in place for many years that states NO ORDER CAN BE CANCELLED unless it's in that preliminary 'Not Submitted' status. In fact, that's one of the main reasons that  most general care agents have read-only access to FDT.

So what do you do if you want to cancel your pre-order? You must refuse shipment of the device once it actually ships, as with any other order. Now this isn't ideal because devices are delivered without a signature required in most areas (it's the carrier's discretion) - so if it's delivered when you're not present, you would then have to follow the normal return process by shipping the box back.

So, the multi-million dollar question becomes - will there be an exception made for this? My opinion: NO. Unless the launch is delayed more than a few weeks - and I think we are all confident it will be resolved much more quickly. My humble opinion is to hang tight, and this will work out within a few days most likely. In the long-term, if for some reason it couldn't be resolved, then I'm certain we could task the back office offline teams to create a manual process for processing these, but I don't anticipate the need for it, personally.

There was actually a communication sent out late yesterday, reminding agents of this process, specifying the HTC EVO 4G LTE, and reminding care groups of the policy, to prevent any order-related cancellation issues:

  • Because this is a pre-order, the window of opportunity to cancel has expired.

  • Requests to Cancel Pre-Orders in Fulfillment Hold for the HTC EVO 4G LTE can no longer be accepted.

  • Instruct customers on refusing shipment (no accessories included) or follow return processes.


**UPDATE** 4PM - In fact, there will be no cancellations of pre-orders allowed. more details coming up in a new post within the hour!


Due to the anticipated length of time for this specific issue, cancellations will now be allowed, since there is no chance that the item would still ship out and you not be billed for it (as is the usual case). But you can't do it via general care, use the instructions below:

If you would like to select an alternate product or cancel your backordered item, please call 866-789-8292 between 8:00 a.m. EST to 11:00 p.m. EST Monday to Friday or 9:00 a.m. EST to 9:00 p.m. EST on Saturdays and Sundays.Please note that cancellation requests may not always process successfully due to the speed of warehouse processing.If you cancelled your backordered item but still received a shipment, please refuse the shipment or call us to process a return within 14 days of receipt.

Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE - Full Launch Delay

In continuation of our earlier post - we can now (un)officially confirm that the FULL launch of the HTC EVO 4G LTE is now officially delayed. This is very preliminary, however, as of 11PM tonight, we can report:

  • FULL Launch DELAY

  • No pre-orders will be shipped

  • No HTC EVO 4G LTE devices will be sold in stores on 5/18

  • Internal conversations put the launch delay at least 10 days out, however that's up to customs and a court right now

PLEASE NOTE: This can and likely will change over the next 12-24 hours, but as of right now, that is the status. We will know more after 10AM on Wednesday, and I'll try to post an update as soon as I can after that.

The official response is "The launch of HTC EVO 4G LTE has been delayed due to a standard issue with U.S. Customs". see the previous post for more details, but basically Apple is claiming that the shipments from HTC contain software/features that violate a patent it holds.

  • U.S. Customs routinely inspects International Trade Commission (ITC) exculsion shipments.

  • HTC is working closely with U.S. Customs to secure approval.

Here's the official responses:
If customers inquire about the delay, share the following reactively:

Q: What response do we provide customers about HTC EVO 4G LTE availability?
A: The U.S. availability of the HTC EVO 4G LTE has been delayed. HTC is working to resolve this issue and appreciates your patience as they work to get products into Sprint channels.

Q: What impact does this have to on the HTC EVO 4G LTE that I’ve already purchased through pre-order?
A: The arrival of your HTC EVO 4G LTE will be delayed until HTC is able to resolve this issue.

Q: What is the status of pre-order and when will pre-order devices be delivered?
A: HTC is working with U.S. Customs for a speedy resolution and your pre-order fee still holds the device. We will provide a ship date as soon as possible. We maintain the promise for the preorder customers that they will be among the first to receive their HTC EVO 4G LTE units.

Q: When will HTC EVO 4G LTE be available to consumers?
A: We can’t provide specific timing for product availability at this time and we appreciate your patience as HTC works to get products on store shelves as soon as possible. Educate the customer to chek the HTC EVO LTE microsite ( for the availability date.

Q: What happens if I break or need to return my HTC EVO 4G LTE? Will I be able to get a replacement?
A: The delay in availability does not currently impact pre-ordered product returned for repair or replacement.

Remember: We appreciate our customers enthusiastic support and appreciate their patience as we work to get HTC EVO 4G LTE in to their hands as soon as possible.

HTC EVO 4G LTE delayed at US Customs by Apple


**11PM UPDATE** HTC EVO 4G LTE launch now officially delayed. new post upcoming with details within the hour. 

**10PM UPDATE** Since posting the article below - it appears that a large majority of the pre-order stock is also being held. Will know more on Wednesday AM around 10AM, will update then.


If you have already ordered your HTC EVO 4G LTE or plan on buying one at a store on Friday, then you're lucky... you may be in the elite group of people that will be able to say they own the device anytime soon. When the email inbox started lighting up a couple of hours ago with questions, we should have known something was up - and we can now confirm that a large number of shipments from HTC are now being held by US Customs - for Apple patent infringement.

So what's this mean for you? Well, if you're not one of the early adopters, and usually ride the 'second wave' when a new device is launched, you may be waiting just a bit longer until this power play by Apple is worked out.

The Verge has more info...

HTC's statement:
The US availability of the HTC One X and HTC EVO 4G LTE has been delayed due to a standard U.S. Customs review of shipments that is required after an ITC exclusion order. We believe we are in compliance with the ruling and HTC is working closely with Customs to secure approval. The HTC One X and HTC Evo 4G LTE have been received enthusiastically by customers and we appreciate their patience as we work to get these products into their hands as soon as possible.

Bye, Bye iDEN - Devices no longer available for purchase

Starting 5/18/12, iDEN devices will be completely removed from Telesales,, Consumer Care, SWAC and Sprint Retail Stores. After Friday, the only place to purchase an iDEN device will be a 3rd Party retail store that carries Boost Mobile devices. In the interest of keeping the mole-hunters at bay, I'll post the iDEN FAQ sheet from Boost Mobile below - it has the same facts as the one for Sprint, with a few words changed, and the addition that Boost retailers can still order and sell the devices if they choose to. 

Also, as of 7/4/12, no more iDEN activations will be allowed in the system. So those that have an iDEN phone activated before then can use it until next summer, but after that it's bye-bye-bye.

From the Boost Retailer FAQ:

Should I still sell iDEN devices?

  • Yes. If the customer is a “heavy” iDEN walkie-talkie user, you can still sell iDEN devices, letting the customer know that the iDEN network is projected to shut down in mid-2013. Offers may be available at a later date to migrate the customer to another device.

  • However, if a customer is a “low” or “no usage” walkie-talkie user, suggest the customer purchase a Boost Mobile CDMA device so they can start taking advantage of our CDMA network improvements.

  • Starting July 10, we will no longer allow new activations onto iDEN, however the existing

  • iDEN customer base will still be able to use their handsets and perform equipment changes and network swaps until the projected network shut down in mid-2013.

From the Sprint FAQ:

  • Sprint is completely phasing out the iDEN network by 2013 so this is the customer‘s opportunity to get a jump on migrating to CDMA.

  • Proactively offer the opportunity to migrate to a CDMA device.

  • Tell upgrade eligible iDEN customers about the great offers available for CDMA devices and the benefits of the CDMA network.

  • Tell iDEN push-to-talk users that they will experience the same convenience using the Sprint Direct Connect feature. 

And there's one more gem hidden in the box: Effective 5/18/12, the iDEN International Direct Connect add-on will increase from $10 per month to $15 per month. Existing impacted customers were sent postcards and bill messages to notify them of this change

Download the FAQ here: iDEN FAQ Document 04_25_12 - ISN

or view below:

[scribd id=93665385 key=key-26j1guzc5vj9o1npj19q mode=list]

WEA/CMAS Enabled Sprint Phones

As I blogged about previously, the new Emergency Alerts System for your phone is now active. below is the list of Sprint phones that currently have WEA/CMAS Enabled:

The list is:

LG Optimus Elite (LS-696)
LG Viper 4G LTE
Kyocera DuraPlus (E4233)
LG Rumor Reflex (LN-272)
ZTE Fury (N850)
Samsung M370
Sprint Express (M650)
Kyocera DuraCore (E4210)
HTC EVO Design 4G
Samsung Transform Ultra (M930)
Kyocera DuraMax (E4255)
LG Marquee (LS855)
Kyocera Brio (S3015)
Kyocera Milano (C5120)
Samsung Galaxy S II (SPH-D710)
Samsung Trender (M380)
Sanyo Vero (SCP-3820)
Sanyo Innuendo (SCP-6780)
Samsung Seek (M350)

Sprint Star (*) & Pound (#) Dialing Codes

Lindsay emailed to ask if I could post a list of all of the current "*" & "#" dialing codes.. so by request, the list is below. Note that some of them are state/geo based, especially the 211,311,511,711,811 codes. So dialing them in Las Vegas will get a different result than dialing them in New York.

  • Airtime charges apply when dialing * and # numbers with the exception of *2*3*4*5*7*911#911611 and #ROAD, unless otherwise noted below.

  • Star or pound codes may or may not work in a roaming coverage area (including *2*3*4*5, or #ROAD).

Dialing Code



Access to the Care self-service IVR and Care call centers.


Option 3 order accessories.


Payments made through Sprint phones through the Pay by Phone Automated IVR.


Get minutes used information for each category of usage in English, including text messaging and current bill cycle dates. Get information on current rate plan.


Get minutes used information for each category of usage in Spanish, including text messaging and current bill cycle dates. Get information on current rate plan.


Pennsylvania - PA Turnpikes: (Bucks, Montgomery, Lebanon, Daulphin, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Somerset, West Moreland, Allegheny, and ****** Counties)
Utah – Salt Lake and Utah Counties


Pennsylvania – PA Turnpikes: Allegheny County, Parkway West, and Parkway East


Louisiana - Lake Ponchatrain Causeway near New Orleans


Turn on both: Conditional Call Forward - Busy and No Answer


Turn off Conditional Call Forward - Busy and No Answer


Alabama – Statewide
Kansas – Statewide
North Carolina – Statewide
South Carolina – Statewide


State Police (on a per market basis only, implemented only upon city/state written requests)
Missouri – Statewide
Oklahoma – Statewide


New Hampshire – Statewide


Plus the 10 digit phone number to block Caller ID on a single call basis


Plus the 10 digit phone number to cancel Call Waiting on a single call basis


Plus the forward to phone number to activate Call Forwarding


To deactivate Call Forwarding


Plus the forward to phone number to activate Call Forwarding No Answer (no voicemail service plan)


To deactivate Call Forwarding No Answer


Plus the forward to phone number to activate Call Forwarding Busy (no voicemail service plan)


To deactivate Call Forwarding Busy


State Police (on a per market basis only, implemented only upon city/state written requests)
Massachusetts- Statewide
Maryland – Statewide
Maine – Statewide
Rhode Island – Statewide


Plus the 10 digit phone number to unblock Caller ID block on a single call basis

*277 (CSP)

Colorado – Statewide

*347 (FHP)

Florida – North, West, Central, and South


Texas – Harris County


Georgia – Statewide


Louisiana – Statewide


Ohio – Jefferson and Belmont Counties


Tennessee - Statewide


Emergency phone number (same as dialing 911)


Ohio Turnpike (Williams, Fulton, Lucas, Wood, Ottawa, Sandusky, Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Summit, Portage, Trumbull, and Mahoning Counties)


Highway Patrol (on a per market basis only, implemented only upon city/state written requests)


Tennessee Highway Patrol (per market basis only, implemented only upon city/state written requests)


State Police (on a per market basis only, implemented only upon city/state written requests)
New Jersey – Statewide
Virginia - Statewide


Emergency phone number (same as dialing 911)


Sprint PCS Payment Card (to find the nearest Prenet location to make a payment)


Roadside Assistance (available to customers with applicable service plan)


Western Union (to find the nearest Western Union location that accepts PCS payments)

#REF (733)

Sprint Referral Program


Community Relations


Non-emergency police and other government services
Texas – Harris County


Traffic information


Customer solutions – no charge for these calls (private-label services)


TTD or hearing impaired (Telecommunications Relay Service TRS)


Customer solutions (private-label services)


Texas – Houston (Harris County) Crime Stopper Line